Our Blogs

Do I Need a “Human” Insurance Agent?

October 14, 2019

Do you need a real-life, human insurance agent? Perhaps not, but should you want a real-life, human insurance agent? Probably. Here is a look at why more human is more better.

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Pet Peeves: Dogs and Liability Insurance

October 11, 2019

Are you covered from a liability claim should your dog bite a friend, neighbor, relative or stranger? Most renters’ and homeowners’ policies offer some protection, but is it enough? Find out more.

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Why Does My Credit Affect My Car Insurance Rates?

October 10, 2019

There are many factors that impact car insurance rates. Driving record, number of miles traveled, age, where you live and yes, your credit score. Learn why your credit rating can affect your car insurance rates.

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There’s No Business Like Home Business…If You Are Covered

October 9, 2019

There are many benefits to operating a home-based business, but there may also be risks you are not aware of. Make sure your home business is properly insured.

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6 Reasons to Choose an Independent Insurance Agency

October 8, 2019

Once you understand the difference between a “captive” insurance agency and an independent one, you begin to understand the value of independence.

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Your Smartphone and Insurance

October 7, 2019

Your smartphone can be an important tool to document what happened in an automobile accident and to document your personal belongings in a homeowners’ insurance claim.

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What Would You Pay for a Genie in a Bottle?

October 4, 2019

What if it was possible for you to buy a Genie in a bottle? Would you be interested and what would it be worth? Read how we can potentially make this possible for you and your family.

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Commercial Insurance Term: Cyber Liability Insurance

October 3, 2019

What Is Cyber Liability Insurance and Why Do You Really Need It?

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Is Buying Insurance Gambling?

October 2, 2019

Is buying insurance gambling? While there are some similarities, one could argue that NOT having insurance is more of a gamble that not having insurance.

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